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Megan Johnson

Megan Johnson


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  • published Your application submission was successful! 2022-07-28 15:39:24 -0500

    Your application submission was successful!

    Thank you for submitting your online application for the Rev. Jesse Jackson Career Scholarship.

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  • published Justice for Jelani Day in Calendars and Events 2021-11-20 21:33:56 -0600

    Justice for Jelani Day


    Today the brothers of the Nu Epsilon chapter email a formal letter to state and federal officials in Illinois to formally request that their officials take over the investigation into the killing of our dear brother Jelani Day.   We want to thank the more than 22-thousand people who signed the petition demanding justice. But, unfortunately, our work and support of the day family are not complete.  Until the person responsible for killing Jelani is prosecuted and convicted, we will not relent or rest.   Please stand with us, sign the petition and help the Day family get the answers and justice they desperately need.    Thank You. 

    Petition · Justice for Jelani Day ·

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  • published Watch Rainbow PUSH in Events 2021-11-16 19:14:37 -0600

    Watch Rainbow PUSH

    Watch and listen to Rainbow PUSH on your time – on your mobile device, streaming to your smart TV, or on your computer.


    Watch Rainbow PUSH on Youtube

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  • published April Branch Memorial 2021-07-29 15:03:01 -0500

    April Branch Memorial

    Celebrating the Life of April Branch

    Memorial Service | Live Streaming
    Saturday July 31, 2021 @ 1:30pm (CST)

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  • published Legacy Dinner in 2025 MLK 2021-05-13 12:56:09 -0500

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2025 Legacy Dinner 

    Meet the Moderator, Speakers and Panelists

    Moderator: Dr. Sonya Whitaker

    Dr. Sonya Whitaker, the National Director for Educational Policy for PUSH Excel, will be the moderator of our upcoming virtual town hall discussion. Dr. Whitaker is a national speaker and highly regarded educator who started as a classroom teacher and has since served as Superintendent of Schools in two different school districts in Illinois. She also has served as Deputy Superintendent of Schools and as a central office administrator for the largest elementary school district in the state.

    Dr. Whitaker is the founder of Whitaker Educational Consulting, Inc., the author of Is There Anybody That Can Teach Me How to Read?, and the host of the national radio show and podcast: What’s Really Going On??, a spotlight on solutions for improving student achievement in America’s schools.






    Speaker: Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

    Rev. Jackson is one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures and the Founder and President of Rainbow PUSH Coalition, which focuses on civil rights work through economic parity, equal educational opportunities, and international social justice and peace.

    Over the past 40 years, he has played a pivotal role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, by President Clinton. A hallmark of Rev. Jackson’s work has been his commitment to youth. He has visited thousands of high schools, colleges, universities and correctional facilities encouraging excellence and inspiring hope in  young people.






    Speaker: Dr. Julianne Malveaux

    Dr. Malveaux is the President of PUSH Excel. She has long been recognized for her progressive and insightful observations. Dr. Malveaux’s popular writing has appeared in USA Today, Black Issues in Higher Education, Ms. Magazine, Essence Magazine, and the Progressive. Dr. Malveaux has been a contributor to academic life since receiving her Ph.D. in economics from MIT in 1980. During her time as the 15th President of Bennett College for Women, Dr. Malveaux was the architect of exciting and innovative transformation at America’s oldest historically black college for women. She is the President and owner of Economic Education, a 501 c-3 non-profit headquartered in Washington, D.C.







  • published Day of Action in 2025 MLK 2021-05-13 12:51:21 -0500

    Day of Action honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

    • An opportunity for partners, families and residents to experience the legacy of Dr. King through panel discussions, guest speakers, community service projects, a day long resource fair and more. More information and a schedule of events forthcoming.
    • Time: 9 AM - 2 PM
    • Location: Rainbow PUSH HQ (930 E 50th Street) and Community Sites
    • Tickets: FREE and Open to the Public

  • Overview

    55th Annual International Virtual Conference
    Beyond Freedom to Equality
    “Leveling the playing field in the era of Covid”

    The Rainbow Push International Virtual Convention will be held from July 17, 2021 – July 22, 2021.   The Annual International Virtual Conference is five days of free online workshops, breakout sessions, and keynote speakers with proven success.  Covering how to level the playing field in the ear of Covid. Each session offers practical advice to future proof of how to go beyond freedom to equality. By the end you’ll have new and innovative tactics that can be put into action right away.   Get more details, Sign up and register your spot now. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages as well where we’ll be posting educational, enlightening and engaging insights on the 55th Annual Beyond Freedom to Equality conference

  • Leave politics out of international race to vaccinate the world against COVID-19

    The pandemic is truly a global threat that requires a global mobilization.

    On the outskirts of New Delhi, a man carries a relative who is suffering from COVID-19 to an oxygen support center.

    India is now ground zero for COVID-19.

    On Saturday, it suffered a record of more than 335,000 new infections and more than 4,000 deaths in one day. Hospitals are running out of oxygen and beds. Morgues and crematoria are overwhelmed.

    In total, a staggering 22.6 million people in India have been infected, with 246,116 deaths.

    With 1.3 billion people, India is the second most populous country in the world. From across the country and across the world, there are increasing demands that Prime Minister Narendra Modi order a lockdown of the country to help staunch the spread of the virus.

    This may be imperative, but one can understand the reluctance to do it. When Modi enforced a 21-day lockdown last year, it helped squelch the spread of the disease but caused a 24% economic contraction in the first quarter of 2020 and widespread desperation among India’s large numbers of migrant workers.

    More recently, at the same time Modi put off another lockdown, he displayed Trumpian irresponsibility by holding a mass political rally with thousands of largely maskless people crowded together and refusing to halt the huge Hindu pilgrimage of millions to bathe in the Ganges River. To some extent, as The Lancet, a medical journal, noted, this is a “self-inflicted catastrophe.”

    With India in distress and much of the world desperate for access to vaccine supplies, supplier nations have been slow to respond. China is by far the largest supplier of vaccines, having shipped more than 240 million doses to countries across the world, more than the rest of the world combined. China promises to ship 500 million more.

    China, fierce rival of India, immediately stepped in to promise to supply countries that India was forced to cut off to fight its own outbreak. China’s vaccine is not as effective as those developed by Pfizer and Moderna, but it surely is better than nothing.

    Last week, the Biden administration finally challenged the U.S. drug industry, announcing that the White House would support an international waiver of intellectual property protections on COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic. This is a long overdue measure, but if the industry continues to resist, the negotiations are likely to take months that the world can ill afford. Though the companies benefited greatly from government subsidies and guaranteed purchases — and have seen their profits and stocks soar — they have a large stake in controlling production to ensure continued profits over time.

    The Biden administration decision — if aggressively enforced — will put public health over private profit.

    As the pandemic rages in India and Brazil, it poses a continued threat to the world. If it isn’t brought under control everywhere, new variants will develop and most likely spread, even to countries that have succeeded in inoculating their populations. The pandemic is truly a global threat that requires a global mobilization.

    At the national level, global cooperation has been slow to develop. Instead, the surge to supply countries in need is propelled less from a unified global effort and more from a competitive national “vaccine diplomacy,” with India, China, Russia and now the U.S. vying to win hearts and minds through vaccine supplies.

    Fighting the pandemic isn’t just the responsibility of governments. This is a global, human tragedy. The pandemic spreads through the air, so no people are safe unless all are safe. We need at outpouring of citizen action — telethons by stars and musicians, increased donations from foundations, mobilization of volunteers, ramping up of production of supplies — to ensure that vaccines are available and citizens are mobilized to receive them. We need increased global efforts to get the vaccine into rural areas and into the poorest ghettos and barrios of the poorest nations.

    Joe Biden announced that he would rely on science for advice, but we can’t rely on science or on government alone. Popular mobilization is essential.

    If we are to address common global threats such as contagions or climate change or nuclear war, we must develop a global perspective. Now it becomes ever more apparent that, as Dr. Martin Luther King taught long ago, “all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. ... As long as diseases are rampant ... no man can be totally healthy, even if he just got a clean bill of health from the finest clinic in America.”

    In the global struggle to meet the threat of Covid-19, this basic truth is more important than ever.

    Send letters to [email protected].

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  • published Weekly Commentary in News 2021-02-21 01:43:06 -0600


    The horror in the Middle East is growing. Hamas, the Sunni Islamist movement that governs
    the Gaza Strip and violently opposes Israel, triggered the current catastrophe when its surprise
    attack in Israel killed 1400 Israelis, including many children. In rage and retaliation, Israel has
    responded by assaulting Gaza, launching mass bombing raids, cutting off access to water, food,
    electricity and fuel, warning over one million Gazans to evacuate to the South, and beginning a
    ground operation in the North. As this is written, an estimated 8005 Palestinians have been
    killed, including over 3000 children, and UN agencies warn the humanitarian crisis has reached
    an” unprecedented point.”

    Across the world and across this country, citizens have marched to decry the Hamas terrorist
    attacks, to protest the Israeli assault on Gaza, to demand a ceasefire, emergency humanitarian
    assistance, and negotiations to end the violence. Antisemitism and anti-Arab passions are rising
    here and elsewhere.

    We should not forget. It is possible to be pro-Palestinian without being pro-Hamas. Indeed,
    most Palestinians do not support Hamas. It is possible to oppose Israel’s policies without being
    antisemitic. Indeed, most Israelis oppose the current government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
    The Israeli rage, fear and desire to strike back after the terrorist attacks is understandable. That
    does not justify mass retaliation against civilians living in Gaza. The anger and desperation of
    those living in Gaza – termed an “open air prison” even before the current crisis – is
    understandable. That does not justify terrorist attacks on civilians, and children in Israel.
    President Biden has supported Israel in this crisis, while calling on the Netanyahu government
    to adhere to the laws of war and mobilizing efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza. The US
    has moved warships into the Eastern Mediterranean, and reinforced its troops in the region,
    warning Iran and outside forces not to expand the conflict. The Biden administration’s call for
    billions in aid – largely armaments –to Israel has bipartisan support in the Congress.
    While the BIden administration reportedly advised against the ground invasion that now seems
    to be underway. It has refused to call for a ceasefire and vetoed UN Security Council
    resolutions calling for one.

    In this, the US is increasingly isolated. A Jordanian resolution calling for a “sustained”
    humanitarian truce was passed in the UN General Assembly 120 to 14 (with 45 abstentions)
    over US opposition. More American allies abstained or supported the resolution than opposed

    The reason is clear. Israel’s mass retaliation against the residents of Gaza is indefensible. In
    this age of terrorism, the laws of war are too often ignored. Modernized in treaties and statues
    after World War II, they represent the collective effort to put humane restrictions on the use of
    military force, to protect civilians from being targeted and slaughtered, to outlaw violence
    intended to eradicate national, ethnic, racial or religious groups in whole or in part.

    Francis Boyle, international law professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, charges
    Israel with violating the laws of war. He cites the Nuremberg Charter, enacted in response to
    the Nazi horrors inflicted on Jews and others in World War II, which outlaws, in Article VIB, “the
    wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages or devastation not justified by military
    necessity,” and Article VIC “inhumane acts committed against any civilian population before or
    during war.” A central purpose of the laws of war is to limit mass retaliation against civilian
    populations. Israel’s bombing campaign, the cut off of basic necessities and its demand for
    mass evacuation are causing massive civilian casualties.

    A ceasefire is imperative, so that food, water, fuel and medical supplies can be rushed into Gaza
    to avoid an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe. The hostages held by Hamas should be
    released. Rather than adding to the violence and destruction, regional powers should join with
    the US and Israel to restart negotiations on the conditions of a durable peace. Israel’s security
    would be better served by isolating and targeting those who commit terror rather than treating
    all Palestinians as terrorists, isolating itself, and involving more and more of its neighbors in the
    violence. The US can’t make decisions for the Israeli government –but it can and should make
    its position clear. A ceasefire is a moral

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  • published Executive Staff in Who We Are 2021-02-06 13:20:49 -0600

    Executive Staff


    Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.,





    Rainbow PUSH Coalition Executive Staff

    Senior Advisor to Rev. Jackson |
    National Director, PUSH for Excellence
    Rev. Dr. Janette Wilson, Esq.



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  • published Press Releases in News 2021-02-01 09:24:08 -0600
    See All Posts