“Your Vote - Your Voice”
Connected Churches National Townhall VOTER EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT
“Your Vote - Your Voice”
Special Training for the Faith Community and other organizations to empower individuals with the skills to engage online resources, research voter information, training to identity false information and basic technology instruction to help promote voter registration.
Special Training for the Faith Community and other organizations to empower individuals with the skills to engage online resources, research voter information, training to identity false information and basic technology instruction to help promote voter registration.
Hosted on zoom - REGISTER HERE

October 24, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Virtual - Zoom
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24-10-2022 19:00:00
24-10-2022 21:00:00
Connected Churches
Connected Churches National Townhall VOTER EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT
“Your Vote - Your Voice”Special Training for the Faith Community and other organizations to empower individuals with the skills to engage online resources, research voter information, training to identity false information and basic technology instruction to help promote voter registration.
Hosted on zoom - REGISTER HERE